Mew / Marimo

About me!!!

19 Years old…
Call me Mew, Marimo, or Branch! *_^
Blue arctic fox, dove (maybe), questioning others
really cool and silly!!! i will very rarely post art… Stay tuned for this 1 in a million eventGreyed-out interests are ones I talk about less

MY MOOMIN AU!!!!!!!!!
THE DOG Island
Dreamworks trolls
LPS (+ LPS Popular)

+others but I can’t think of them now
All ungulates (with an emphasis on deer)
Biology (with an emphasis on genetics and evolution)
Therianthropy (& In general Alterhumanity)
Art/Animation (currently trying to get into animal mask making!)

Extra but IMPORTANT info:I block VERY heavily. I also do not block without reason, so if you wanna be unblocked on any platform sorry lol!!!! Not gonna happen.Not gonna put my whole DNI here bc I know they’re gonna interact regardless of what I say but i am anti proship, zoo, and pedo for those wondering. Just because I have the theta-delta in my carrd and bios doesn’t mean i’m a zoophile. Please don’t assume weird shit like that.

My accounts!!!

These are the ONLY places you can find me!!!! Keep in mind i am only active on twitter and tumblr at the moment so anything else and you’re entering Ghost Town Territory!!!
Some are completely unused too and I’m only adding them for clarity or if I ever use them in the future.

My moomin au!!!

I have a very in depth Moomin AU that I’ve been working on for almost 2 years now!!! I don’t have a lot of stuff publicly out about it besides a few posts on tumblr but I hope to slowly make it more public!!!I have a carrd for it, but it’s currently a massive WIP so there’s nothing there at the moment lmao. Here’s the link anyways!

(WIP) About blue arctic foxes!!!

Since most people don’t know what blue arctic foxes are or that they exist I thought it would be a good idea to put some info about them here!!!

What is a blue arctic fox?A blue arctic fox, also occasionally called the “coastal fox”, is a color morph of the arctic fox that generally has a brown or “blue” color all year round, contrasting the white arctic fox morph that is brown/grey and white in the summer and fully white in the winterGenerally, most blue arctic foxes are found on the coasts or on islands rather than inland like the majority of white arctic foxes. They make up less than 1% of the entire arctic fox population.

Since most of them are found in different habitats than the white morph, they tend to lead somewhat different lives. Many places where the blue arctic fox more frequently occurs (such as the coasts of Iceland and Greenland, Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, and Bering Island) lack the inland/mainland arctic fox’s main prey: the lemming.Because of this, most of the blue arctic fox population isn’t affected by the rise or fall trends of the lemming population.

Sources: WIP. sorry I do not feel like finding all the places I got this info from again right now lol

I might organize this eventually, might not. For now, enjoy! Pics of me irl!!!